ABSA Cash Send SMS Not Received?

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Have you ever found yourself anxiously waiting for an ABSA Cash Send SMS that just doesn’t arrive? It’s a frustrating experience, especially when you need cash urgently. Don’t worry, this guide will help you troubleshoot and resolve the issue. Based on my firsthand experience, I’ll walk you through common reasons why the SMS might be missing and provide detailed steps to resend the Cash Send code.

Common Reasons for Missing ABSA Cash Send SMS

Before diving into the solution, it’s essential to understand why your ABSA Cash Send SMS might not be arriving. Here are some common reasons:

  1. Network Issues: Temporary service disruptions or weak signals can prevent SMS delivery.
  2. Recipient’s Phone Problems: If the recipient’s phone is off, out of range, or experiencing software issues, SMS delivery may fail.
  3. Full SMS Inbox: If the recipient’s inbox is full, new messages may not be received until older ones are deleted.
  4. Incorrect Number: If the sender enters an incorrect phone number, the SMS won’t reach the intended recipient.
  5. Spam Filters: Some mobile carriers or phones have spam filters that might mistakenly block legitimate messages.
  6. Carrier Issues: Problems with the carrier’s messaging service on either the sender’s or recipient’s end can cause delays.
  7. Recipient Actions: Occasionally, recipients might overlook or accidentally delete the SMS without reading it.
  8. System Glitches: Technical glitches within the ABSA system can sometimes cause delays or failures in sending SMS notifications.

Step-by-Step Guide to Resend the ABSA Cash Send SMS

If you’re experiencing issues with receiving your Cash Send SMS, follow these detailed steps to resend the code through the ABSA mobile app:

Step 1: Accessing the ABSA App

  • Locate and open the ABSA mobile app on your smartphone.
  • Ensure your internet connection is stable to prevent any disruptions.

Step 2: Navigating to Cash Send

  • Once the app is open, find the Menu icon (usually represented by three lines or dots).
  • Tap on ‘Menu’ to reveal various options.
  • Select ‘Beneficiaries’ to view a list of individuals you have transacted with.

Step 3: Finding Your Transaction

  • In the Beneficiaries section, look for and select ‘CashSend’.
  • Locate the specific beneficiary involved in the transaction from your list.

Step 4: Resending the Code

  • Click on ‘History’ next to the beneficiary’s name to display all previous transactions to that person.
  • Identify the transaction that is pending or causing issues.
  • Click on ‘More’ next to the relevant transaction.
  • Select ‘Resend withdrawal code’ to resend the Cash Send SMS.

Additional Tips

To ensure the smooth delivery of the Cash Send SMS, consider these additional tips:

  • Confirm the Recipient’s Number: Double-check that the phone number is correct.
  • Instruct the Recipient: Inform the recipient to expect an SMS and check their messages, including spam or junk folders.
  • Check Network Issues: Be aware of any network problems that might cause delays.
  • Contact ABSA Support: If problems persist, reach out to ABSA’s customer support for further assistance.


Waiting for a crucial SMS, like the ABSA Cash Send notification, can be nerve-wracking, especially when it doesn’t arrive as expected. Understanding the potential reasons behind the delay and knowing how to troubleshoot and resend the SMS can save you a lot of stress. By following the steps outlined above and keeping these additional tips in mind, you can ensure that your Cash Send SMS reaches its intended recipient without unnecessary delays. If issues continue, don’t hesitate to contact ABSA support for further help.