Is Cubic Loans Legitimate in South Africa?

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If you’re considering applying for a loan from Cubic Loans, it’s crucial to verify the company’s legitimacy. There are several concerns about that suggest caution may be needed.

Cubic Loans vs. Cubic Financial Solutions

It’s important to clarify that Cubic Loans should not be confused with CUBIC FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD, which is a registered financial provider in South Africa with NCRCP11305. Cubic Financial Solutions is a legitimate business regulated by the National Credit Regulator (NCR). However, Cubic Loans does not appear to be affiliated with them.

The website is not registered with the NCR, which means they are not legally authorized to offer loans in South Africa. This raises significant red flags about their business operations.

What’s Not Adding Up with Cubic Loans?

At first glance, Cubic Loans appears to be a legitimate loan provider. Their website is polished, featuring various financial tools like a loan calculator, news sections, and even social media links. They claim to have been in the business since 2013, and they boast impressive figures, including having disbursed over R90,000 in daily payments to 94,000 customers.

However, there are several inconsistencies:

  • No NCR Registration: For a company claiming to offer loans in South Africa, not being registered with the NCRis a major concern. All legal credit providers in South Africa must be registered with the National Credit Regulator to ensure they comply with the National Credit Act. Cubic Loans does not seem to have this accreditation.
  • Lack of Transparency: While the website provides an impressive front, critical information about the company’s background, legal registrations, and contact details are either vague or missing. Legitimate companies usually provide clear information about their NCR registration, contact details, and terms of service.
  • Inflated Claims: The website claims that the company has paid out almost R90,000 in daily payments to over 94,000 happy customers. These numbers seem exaggerated, especially for a company that is not widely known or registered with the NCR. Such inflated claims can be a tactic used to build trust with potential borrowers, despite a lack of verifiable information.

Caution is Advised

Given these inconsistencies and the lack of NCR registration, it is advisable to exercise caution when dealing with Cubic Loans. The polished website might make it seem credible, but the absence of legal backing and the questionable claims suggest this might not be a trustworthy loan provider.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Cubic Loans ( raises several red flags, particularly due to the lack of NCR registration and the dubious nature of its claims. South African consumers should be cautious when considering unregistered loan providers, as they are not protected under the country’s credit regulations.

For your financial safety, it’s always best to use loan providers that are registered with the NCR to ensure that you are protected under South African law. You can verify a company’s registration on the NCR website before applying for any loan.