List of Traffic Fines In South Africa

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Traffic fines in South Africa and their potential costs? Here’s a detailed overview covering fines and demerit points for offenses like speeding, vehicle roadworthiness, operator fitness, driving signals, adherence to road rules, and more.

Avoiding Traffic Fines

This article provides a helpful list of traffic fines in South Africa. Knowing the different traffic violations and their associated costs can help you stay compliant and avoid unnecessary fines. Understanding traffic regulations is also important for those going through the process of obtaining a public driver’s permit (PDP) or a professional driving permit (PRDP).

Fines for Registration and licensing of motor vehicles

Motor vehicle not registeredR 1 0003
Motor vehicle not licensedR 1 0003
Operating vehicle with special licence on public roadR 5001
Motor vehicle with number plates not SABS approvedR 5001
Motor vehicle displaying no number platesCourt6
Motor vehicle displaying only one number plateR 5002
Motor vehicle with plates not applicableCourt6
Motor vehicle with number plate obscured or illegibleR 2500
Motor vehicle with both plates obscured or  illegibleCourt6
Licence disc not displayedR 5001
Licence disc obscured or illegibleR 5001
Licence disc on trailer exposed to weatherR 5001
Operator did not change address particularsR 5001
Operator did not change particulars of proxyR 5002
Disposing of unregistered or unlicensed vehicle or of a vehicle with no registration or licensing papersR 1 0003
Owner did not report motor vehicle stolenR 5001
Owner did not report motor vehicle permanently unfit for useR 5001
Motor vehicle does not have an engine numberCourt6
Used motor trade plate for other purposes than describedR 5001
Motor trade plate not displayed or displayed incorrectlyR 5001
Transport persons on goods on vehicle with special permitR 5001
Temporary or special permit not displayed correctly or illegibleR 5001
Display temporary or special permit not applicable to motor vehicleCourt6

Fines for Fitness of drivers

Driver not licensedR 1 2504
Driver does not have licence with him in vehicleR 5001
Driver did not disclose disqualification when applying for learner’s licenceR 1 2504
Driver fails to submit licence to licensing authorities of the onset of any disqualifying disabilityR 1 0003
Driver did not notify authority of change of addressR 5001
Employ or permit unlicensed driver to drive vehicleR 1 2504
Driver does not have professional driving permitR 1 2504
Failed to produce PrDP to courtR 1 0003
Failed to produce licence to courtR 5001

Fines For Fitness of vehicles

Not displaying roadworthy certificateR 5001
Operating motor vehicle without roadworthy certificateR 1 0003
Operating vehicle on public road, contrary to notice to discontinueR 7502
No emergency/parking brake on non-RWC vehicleR 7502
No emergency/parking brake on RWC vehicleR 7502
Parking brake inadequate on non-RWC vehicleR 5001
Parking brake inadequate on RWC vehicleR 5001
Brakes not in good working order on non-RWC vehicleR 5001
Brakes not in good working order on RWC vehicleR 7502
No airbrake warning deviceR 7502
Steering gear unsafe or too much free playR 7502
Illegal left-hand drive vehicleR 5001
Horn not working properlyR 2500
Illegal window or windscreenR 2500
No windscreen wiperR 2500
Defective/no rearview mirrorR 5001
Defective fuel tank, pipesR 5001
Defective/no fuel tank capR 5001
Electrical wiring not properly installed / maintained / insulated etcR 5001
Engine not coveredR 2500
Inefficient/no silencerR 2500
Excessive exhaust smokeR 2500
Fumes in cabR 2500
Oil dripping onto exhaustR 2500
Illegal entrances and exitsR 2500
No reverse gearR 2500
Worn, damaged or illegal tyres (per tyre)R 2500
Missing seat beltR 5001
Defective seat beltR 2500
No speedometerR 5001
Defective speedometerR 2500
Defective/no wheel flapsR 2500
No rear underrun bumperR 5001
Defective/incorrectly fitted rear underrun bumperR 5001
Illegal axle on semi-trailerR 5001

Fines For Lighting and reflectors

Driving between sunset and sunrise without lightsR 7502
Not using dipped beam with oncoming trafficR 5001
One rear or stop lamp not working on non-RWC vehicleR 2500
One rear or stop lamp not working on RWC vehicleR 5001
Two rear or stop lamps not working on non-RWC vehicleR 5001
Two rear or stop lamps not working on RWC vehicleR 7502
Lamps showing incorrect colour on non-RWC vehicleR 5001
Lamps showing incorrect colour on non-RWC vehicleR 5001
No chevron or incorrectly fittedR 5001
Chevron not SABS approved typeR 5001
One direction indicator not working on non-RWC vehicleR 1000
One direction indicator not working on RWC vehicleR 2500
Both direction indicators not working on non-RWC vehicleR 2500
Both direction indicators not working on RWC vehicleR 5001

Fines for Vehicle and load dimensions and projection

Too longR 5001
Drawing more than two trailersR 5001
Too wideR 5001
Too highR 5001
Turning radius too greatR 5001
Rear/front overhang too greatR 5001
Load projects too far at front/rear/sideR 2500
Load projection improperly markedR 2500

Fines for Taxis and buses

Overloading permissible number of passengers by:  
1 to 5R 5001
6 to 10R 1 0003
11 or moreR 1 5005
Bus overloading permissible number of passengers by:  
1 to 10R 5001
10 to 15R 1 0003
16 or moreR 1 5005
Not complying with regulations concerning the operation of vehicles carrying paying passengersR 1 0003

Fines for Loads on goods vehicles

Exceeding the permissible maximum massloads per axle, axle unit, axle group, vehicle or combination by:
Up to 3,99%R 2500
Between 4% and 5,99%R 5001
Between 6% and 7,99%R 7502
Between 8% and 9,99%R 1 0003
Between 10% and 11,99%R 1 2504
Between 12% and 13,99%R 1 5005
Above 13,99%Court6
Total vehicle mass exceeds 5 times the mass on drive axle by:
Up to 3,99%R 2500
Between 4% and 5,99%R 5001
Between 6% and 7,99%R 7502
Between 8% and 9,99%R 1 0003
Between 10% and 11,99%R 1 2504
Between 12% and 13,99%R 1 5005
Above 13,99%Court6
Mass on the steering axle of articulated vehicle is:
Between 8% and 10,9% of total massR 5001
Between 4% and 7,9% of the total massR 1 0003
Less than 4% of total massCourt6
Mass on the steering axle of rigid vehicle is:
Between 14% and 19,9% of total massR 5001
Between 7% and 13,9% of the total massR 1 0003
Less than 7% of total massCourt6
Load on one side of axle exceeds that on the other by:
Above 10% up to 20%R 5001
Above 20% up to 30%R 1 0003
Above 30%Court6
Incorrect/no (load data) information plateR 5002
Insecure loadR 1 0003
Load coming into contact with road surfaceR 1 0003
Passengers carried in the goods compartment not safely enclosedR 1 0003

Fines for Operator fitness

Operator not registeredCourt6
Operator card not on windscreenR 5001
Operator did not notify authority of change in particularsR 5001
Operator did not report loss of cardR 5001
Operator did not exercise proper control driverR 1 2504
Operator did not ensure that motor vehicle complies with fitness requirementsR 1 2504
Operator did not conduct operations with due care and safetyR 1 2504
Operator did not comply with dangerous goods requirementsR 1 2504
Operator did not comply with loading requirementsR 1 2504

Fines for Dangerous goods

No fire extinguisherR 1 2504
Incorrect or missing placardingR 1 2504
Did not remove placards on emptied packaged goods vehicleR 1 2504
Placards damaged or not clean or clearly visibleR 1 2504
No danger warning diamond at frontR 1 2504
Left vehicle unattended in an unsupervised areaR 1 2504
Incorrect or missing transport emergency card/s or dangerous goods declaration/sR 1 2504
No designated space for documentsR 1 2504
Did not ensure that load is compatibleR 1 2504
Transport emergency card older than 3 yearsR 1 2504

Fines for Road traffic signs

Disobeying stop sign or robot with non-RWC vehicleR 5001
Disobeying stop sign or robot with RWC vehicleR 7502
Overtaking on a white line with non-RWC vehicleR 5001
Overtaking on a white line with RWC vehicleR 7501
Pedestrian or cyclist disobeyed regulatory signR 1000

Speeding Fines

Exceeding the speed limit by:
11 km/h to 15 km/hR 2500
16 km/h to 20 km/hR 5001
21 km/h to 25 km/hR 7502
26 km/h to 30 km/hR1 0003
31 km/h to 35 km/hR1 2504
36 km/h to 40 km/hR1 5005
Above 40 km/hCourt6

Lane discipline Fines

Failing to keep to the leftR 1 0003
Driving on the wrong side or across a dividing strip or traffic islandR 1 0003
Overtaking illegally on the leftR 1 0003
Cutting in after overtakingR 1 0003
Overtaking on the shoulders or vergeR 1 0003
Overtaking on a blind rise, a curve, or where view is restrictedR 1 0003
Accelerating while being overtakenR 1 0003
Encroaching the right half of the road obstructing oncoming trafficR 1 0003
Passing a stationary bus without due careR 5001
Driving on shoulder when circumstances do not permitR 5001
Driving across a road when it is unsafe to do soR 1 0003
Entering a road when it is unsafe to do soR 1 0003
Obstructing other traffic while changing lanesR 1 0003
Failing to use indicatorsR 5001
Failing to indicate when changing lanesR 5001
Failing to yield to the right at a traffic islandR 7502
Failing to keep left while making a left turnR 7502
Turning right while unsafeR 7502
Failing to keep left while making a right turn (cutting corner)R 7502

Stopping and parking Fines

Stopping or parking  
 Alongside/opposite another vehicle where road is less than 9 metresR 1 0003
 Alongside or opposite an excavation or obstructionR 1 0003
 At or within 6 metres of a bridge or tunnelR 1 0003
 At or within 6 metres of narrow portion of roadR 1 0003
 Constituting a danger or obstructionR 1 0003
 Within the railway reserve of level crossingR 1 0003
 On the wrong side of the roadR 1 0003
 In contravention of a “no-stopping” signR 7502
 On a freeway illegallyR 5001
 In contravention of any road signR 2500
 Double parkedR 2500
 At excavation or obstructionR 2500
 Within the railway reserve of level crossingR 2500
 Within 9 metres of an approach to pedestrian  crossingR 2500
 Where width of road was constrictedR 2500
 Within tunnel or on a bridgeR 2500
 Obstructing a fire hydrantR 2500
 Obstructing a traffic signR 2500
 On the sidewalkR 2500
 On non-urban road within a metre of the edgeR 2500
 Blocking entrance to  public roadR 2500
 Within 5 metres of an urban intersectionR 2500
 On the actuating mechanism of a robotR 2500
 Further than 450 mm from the kerbR 2500
 On road less than 5,5 metres wideR 2500
 On a traffic island or pedestrian mallR 2500

Towing fines

Towrope or towbar exceeds 3,5 metresR 5001
Towed vehicle not securely attached or not under controlR 5001
No licensed person at the wheel of towed vehicleR 5001
Towing at over 30 km/h (unless a tow bar is used)R 5001
Conveying passengers illegally (over 30 km/h) in towed vehicleR 5001

Accident Fines

Failing to stop at an accident to ascertain injuries and assistCourt6
Failing to stop where there is third party damageR 1 0003
Failing to report accidentR 1 0003
Removing vehicle from accident involving injury or death without police authorizationR 7502
Removing vehicle without the owner/driver’s permissionR 1 2504

Reckless driving and driving under the influence Fines

Reckless drivingCourt6
Inconsiderate drivingR 2500
Driving under the influenceCourt6
Blood alcohol level for:
Ordinary motorist not less than  0,05 g per 100 mlCourt6
PrDP driver not less than 0,02 g per 100 mlCourt6
Breath alcohol level for:
Ordinary motorist not less than 0,24 mg per 1 000 mlCourt6
PrDP driver not less than 0,10 mg per 1 000 mlCourt6
Smoked before blood/breath specimen was takenR 1 2504
Refusing to give blood or breath sampleR 1 5005

Miscellaneous Fines

Failing to comply with traffic officer’s instructionsR 5001
Unauthorised tampering with vehicleCourt6
Furnishing false informationCourt6
False number plateCourt6
Not wearing seatbeltR 2500
No warning triangleR 5001
Warning triangle not as prescribedR 2500
Warning triangle not displayed or displayed incorrectlyR 2500
Reversing too far or dangerouslyR 1 0003
Following too closelyR 1 0003
Permitting a person to occupy a position in a vehicle restricting the driver’s full controlR 1 0003
Permitting a person to interfere with the steering or operating mechanismR 1 0003
Driver not positioned to exercise complete control of vehicleR 1 0003
Leaving vehicle unattended and unbrakedR 2500
Pulling away from kerb before it is safeR 5001
Failing to give way to emergency vehicle sounding an alarm (eg ambulance or fire engine)R 5001
Part of driver’s body (elbow) protruding from moving vehicleR 2500
Allowing person on roof or step while in motionR 2500
Engine emitting smokeR 2500
Leaving engine running unattendedR 2500
Spillage of oil petrol or rubbishR 2500
Running engine while filling upR 2500
Jumping on or off moving vehicle, endangering othersR 1000
Driving on the sidewalkR 5001
Driving while using hand-held cell-phoneR 5001
Excessive noiseR 2500
Hooter used illegallyR 2500
Failing to yield to pedestrian at crossingR 5001
Pedestrian moving into path of vehicle suddenly at crossingR 1000
Overtaking stationary vehicle at pedestrian crossingR 5001
Racing on public roadR 1 0003
Driving in convoy during weekendR 5001
Wilful obstruction of traffic flowR 7502
Abandoned vehicleR 5001
Damaging public roadR 1 0003
Using chocks between wheel and roadR 1 0003
Trading illegally on public roadR 2500