EZ Sure Debit Order Contact Details

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EZ Sure provides a variety of insurance products tailored to meet your needs. Their offerings include:

Insurance Products

Funeral Cover

Comprehensive funeral insurance to ensure your loved ones are taken care of during difficult times.

Tyre Guard

Protection for your vehicle’s tyres, offering peace of mind against unexpected tyre damage.

Matrix Tracking

Vehicle tracking services to enhance the security and safety of your vehicle.

Data SIM Plan

Affordable and reliable data plans to keep you connected at all times.

Motor Expert

Expert services for your vehicle, ensuring it stays in top condition.

Asterio Insurance

A range of insurance solutions under the Asterio brand, designed to cover various aspects of your life.

Contact Details for Debit Orders

For inquiries or assistance with debit orders, you can reach EZ Sure through the following contact details:



Phone Number

031 035 1651

EZ Sure is committed to providing reliable insurance solutions and excellent customer service to meet your financial and protection needs.

Understanding how to manage your debit orders can save you from unnecessary financial stress. For more insights, explore our detailed guides on how to cancel or reverse a Maxlaw debit orderthis debit order cannot be disputed at Capitec, and Epic 3 debit order contact details.